
The role of Al-Quran in solving life problems

 The role of Al-Quran in solving life problems

The role of Al-Quran in solving life problems
The role of Al-Quran in solving  problems

 The role of Al-Quran in solving life problems:

Introduction of Quran: People face various problems from birth to death.  From personal life to family, social, state, national, international, cultural, economic, religious, spiritual aspects innumerable problems fall on the people of the world.  Allah Almighty has created man on earth to establish his caliphate.  He did not leave them alone by creating mankind.  He has sent Prophets and Messengers from time to time to teach them peace and order and good character and above all to worship Allah and has sent down to them the heavenly books containing His revelation.

Allah has revealed the Qur'an at the end of all, like the Torah, the Injil, the Psalms and other scriptures sent to the Prophets.  With this he sent Muhammad (pbuh) as the best of all the prophets and messengers.  The verses have been revealed to him according to the needs of the age and society and he has implemented the command of those verses in his life.

 Personal life: Man can be guilty in his personal life due to his character, religion, beliefs, lies, theft, robbery, alcoholism, etc.

 Family life: People face various problems in family life. Husband-wife, father-mother, son-daughter, brother-sister and other close relatives, the Qur'an has given provisions about mutual responsibilities and duties.  Adultery and anti-social activities are forbidden in the Quran forever.

 State life: The happiness and peace of state life is based on the sweet relationship and mutual solidarity between the government and the people.  The state will ensure all the needs of the citizens and the citizens will fulfill their responsibilities from loyal to the state.  The Qur'an contains instructions for the overall welfare of life, including the fulfillment of such mutual responsibilities and protection of rights.

International Life: The peace of the international life of the people depends on the mutual cooperation of different countries, states and nations of the world.  Because there are different religions, cultures, education and civilizations in the world.  That is why Islam says to follow the principle of tolerance and human love towards each other.  All human beings are servants of Allah and children of Adam.  Then, it is Allah's command to unite all the people of the world in the bondage of brotherhood.  It is a great sin to hurt any person in the world without any reason.

 Conclusion: Al-Quran is a complete book about the overall life of human beings.  In the same way that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was sent by Allaah, the Qur'aan revealed to him is also the great document of the liberation of mankind.  The teachings of the Qur'an are useful for all ages and solve all the problems of human life.  Therefore, the great book Al-Quran is not only a religious book but it is a universal book, its appeal is universal.

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